
30 January to 22 February 2014


The non-profit Créahm-Bruxelles ASBL (creativity and mental handicap) is ‘a space of creation where the body is at work’.

Créahm-Bruxelles runs workshops in various disciplines, both in the visual arts and in the performing arts. The workshop is a laboratory, a place of research and experimentation and a support to the affirmation of an ‘I’, a person beyond his or her intellectual disability.

The Créahm-Bruxelles artists identify fully with their experiences, through which they develop their expressive and creative autonomy, through which they reaffirms and fashion themselves as they take part in cultural and artistic life.

These artists are regarded to as outsiders in contrast to the insider artists who are not thought of as mentally handicapped. Insiders-Outsiders: nowadays, works by outsider artists are considered works of art, with hardly any mention of the mental state of the person who produced them.

These works are collected internationally and have a place in the most prestigious art centres.


© Esther Verhaeghe 2024
© Esther Verhaeghe 2024